Friday, June 1, 2012

 Just a few extra photos since I am just waiting to go to the airport and anticipating a wonderful two months not withstanding the horrible economic situation in Sicilia. This year we are lucky to have some friends coming so I can show them around, "MY Sicily" ( Where is THAT line from?  I am not sure what to expect but I am prepared and hope that my new photos will reflect the reality and determination of Sicilians in the face of another economic onslaught.
 photo at left is in Cesaro`
 Several years ago I went to Favignana inspried by the novels of Teresa Maggio. It is a marvelous island off the western coast
  These two were in Bagheria which is near Palermo and is the home of the  world renowned director, Giuseppe Tornatore

 a butterfly feasts on a sweet flower in Sant'Alessio
this one speaks for itself!

ciao e ci vediamo in agosto!